Bard, Google’s chatbot, is set to receive an update in its interaction with YouTube

Bard, Google's chatbot, is set to receive an update in its interaction with YouTube
Bard, Google’s chatbot, is set to receive an update in its interaction with YouTube (Unsplash)

The Bard, Google’s chatbot, has announced that it will undergo an update in its interaction with YouTube. With this update, artificial intelligence will be able to analyze videos and their content more effectively to provide more accurate recommendations and summaries.

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With the update, Bard can analyze individual videos to provide specific information, such as key points or recipe ingredients, without the need for playback.

However, while these functionalities may be beneficial and useful for users, concerns arise about the impact on content creators, as the chatbot can extract information without the need to watch the video, potentially leading to a loss of views and advertising revenue for content producers.

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