Check out leaked images and features of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Check out leaked images and features of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra (Photo: Anh Nhat/Unsplash)

Alleged images and information about the innovative artificial intelligence features of Samsung’s upcoming release, the Galaxy S24 Ultra, have been leaked on social media.

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The model renderings were disclosed by the user Ice Universe, known for leaking accurate information. “This is the closest rendering of the S24 Ultra,” he stated in the post on his X (Twitter) profile.

(Photo: Reproduction/Twitter)

Furthermore, the artificial intelligence features have been confirmed by Samsung. Announcing Galaxy AI, the company revealed that the technology will be an AI “like you’ve never seen before.”

Samsung Gauss, as the Korean manufacturer’s AI will be called, will be “everywhere that matters” with the promise of “seamless communication,” “simplified productivity,” and “unleashed creativity.”

The expectation is that Samsung will unveil the new Galaxy S24 family at a conference on January 17, 2024, in San Francisco, California (USA). However, the company has not yet confirmed the event.
