Hubble Highlights Galaxy That is Home to Both New and Old Stars

Hubble Highlights Galaxy That is Home to Both New and Old Stars
Hubble Highlights Galaxy That is Home to Both New and Old Stars (NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, ESA, R. Chandar (University of Toledo), and J. Lee (Space Telescope Science Institute); Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America))

The Hubble Space Telescope has highlighted an incredible new image of the galaxy NGC 1087, which possesses unique features and is part of a series of galaxies that Hubble has been showcasing this week.

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NGC 1087 is a barred spiral galaxy with a diameter of 87,000 light-years and distinctive characteristics, including a small nucleus and a short stellar bar. Additionally, NGC 1087 is home to both old and new stars, showing signs of new star formation, which piques the interest of scientists.

The galaxy NGC 1087 is located approximately 80 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Cetus, visible from both hemispheres. It was discovered by the British astronomer William Herschel in 1785.

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