Instagram tests a comment-quoting feature similar to TikTok

Instagram tests a comment-quoting feature similar to TikTok (Pexels)

Instagram is testing a new comment-sharing feature, similar to the one already existing on TikTok. The announcement was made by the head of the social network at Meta, Adam Mosseri, through his broadcasting channel.

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The idea is that public accounts can highlight the most interesting and important comments on their public posts and Reels in their Stories.

Instagram tests a comment-quoting feature similar to TikTok (Meta)

According to Adam Mosseri, this new feature will primarily help content creators highlight comments from other creators or fans:

“We are testing the ability for public accounts to share comments from any public feed post or Reels in their stories. The idea is to help creators highlight important or interesting comments from other creators or fans. If you see this, let us know what you think!”

The inspiration for this feature likely came from the popular TikTok, which has long allowed users to highlight and share engaging comments on their videos. The feature has been an effective way to engage the community and foster interesting discussions around content.

Instagram tests a comment-quoting feature similar to TikTok (Adam Mosseri / Instagram)

This post was last modified on 2023-08-29 19:13
