Meet the humanoid robot with “muscles” and “bones” that performs impressive movements

Meet the humanoid robot with 'muscles' and a 'skeleton' that performs impressive movementsMeet the humanoid robot with 'muscles' and a 'skeleton' that performs impressive movements
Meet the humanoid robot with ‘muscles’ and a ‘skeleton’ that performs impressive movements (Image: Instagram)

The Polish company Clone Robotics, which develops robots with “muscular and skeletal” features, has shared a video showcasing one of its robots performing impressive movements.

The video features Protoclone, a humanoid robot with “muscles” and a “skeleton” resembling human anatomy. It executes astonishing movements as if it had a real biological skeleton.

The company plans for the robot to have a complete skeleton made of polymer, including all 206 human bones but with fewer joints. Additionally, all joints will be fully functional.

The robot’s limbs are powered by artificial muscles called Myofiber, developed by the company. These were first introduced when Clone Robotics revealed a robotic hand and upper body. Just like in the human body, the “muscles” attach to the skeleton via tendons.

Clone will also have its own nervous system, featuring four depth cameras in its head for vision, 70 “inertial measurement sensors” to detect joint positioning, and 320 pressure sensors to measure muscle force.

The robot is designed to function as a household assistant. Clone Robotics plans to launch an initial production batch of 279 units, called Clone Alpha. Pre-orders are expected to open later this year, though the price has not yet been disclosed.

Image and video: Instagram @clonerobotics. This content was generated using AI and reviewed by our editorial team.
