Meet the JLTV, the new armored vehicle of the Marines

Meet the JLTV, the new armored vehicle of the Marines. Photo: Disclosure

The Marine Corps has received the first batch of four Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) armored vehicles, which were purchased in 2020 by the Brazilian government.

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In total, 12 units of the model were purchased in this first batch. Classified as a Light Armored Vehicle on Wheels by the Brazilian military, the vehicle is manufactured in the United States by Oshkosh Defense.

Recently designed (the first deliveries to the United States Army began in 2019), it was designed with the goal of offering superior armored protection to Humvees, which proved to be very vulnerable to explosives in the latest military conflicts in which the United States participated. Check out the manufacturer’s video showing the JLTV in action.

Although a hybrid version is in testing, the JLTV is equipped with a 6.6 V8 diesel engine and a six-speed automatic transmission. The suspension system is independent on all four wheels and the vehicle can be prepared for transportation in military cargo ships, helicopters and even by amphibious means.

Depending on the type of armor installed, the JLTV can even withstand an attack with an RPG grenade launcher, in addition to having an automatic fire protection system and being prepared to withstand explosions coming from the underside of the vehicle.

In addition to Brazil and the United States, the JLTV is already in operation in some European countries, such as Slovenia, Montenegro, and Lithuania.
