Thomas Bähnck, Sebastian Donoso, Jake Gentillon, Antoine and Dalia Grelin, Stephen Guberski, Richard Hall,
Tino Heuberger, Jason Jacks, Paul Kent, Brian Meyers, William Ostling, Nicolas Puig, Tim Schaeffer, Felix Schöfbänker, Mikhail Vasilev)
On Friday, August 11, the NASA highlighted an impressive shot of the galaxies M51 and NGC 5195 interacting with each other. These two galaxies are located approximately 31 million light-years away from Earth.
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M51, discovered by the French astronomer Charles Messier, features a spiral structure resembling a whirlpool. Its smaller companion, the dwarf galaxy NGC 5195, exhibits a characteristic yellow glow against the dark dust clouds and clusters of young blue stars extending across M51.
The famous interacting galaxy pair can be located by observing towards the ‘Big Dipper’ handle and the constellation ‘Canes Venatici’.

Thomas Bähnck, Sebastian Donoso, Jake Gentillon, Antoine and Dalia Grelin, Stephen Guberski, Richard Hall,
Tino Heuberger, Jason Jacks, Paul Kent, Brian Meyers, William Ostling, Nicolas Puig, Tim Schaeffer, Felix Schöfbänker, Mikhail Vasilev)
Source: NASA (Astronomy Picture of the Day)