NASA highlights incredible photo of star cluster

NASA highlights incredible photo of star cluster (Serge Brunier, Jean-François Bax, David Vernet OCA/C2PU // NASA – APOD)

As usual, NASA shares incredible images of the Universe in the ‘Astronomical Photo of the Day’, and the most recent one to be featured was the star cluster known as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules.

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In the image released on Friday, September 1st, you can have a fascinating view of the hundreds of thousands of stars that occupy the cluster, also known as M13, discovered by the Englishman Edmond Halley in 1714 and cataloged by the Frenchman Charles Messier.

The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules has a diameter of 150 light-years and is located 25,000 light-years away from Earth. M13 stands out with its intense brightness and high density of stars.

NASA highlights incredible photo of star cluster (Serge Brunier, Jean-François Bax, David Vernet OCA/C2PU // NASA – APOD)

Source: NASA (Astronomical Photo of the Day)
