NASA Highlights Stunning Image of Supermoon

NASA Highlights Stunning Image of Supermoon (Gianni Tumino // NASA – APOD)

NASA has highlighted a beautiful image of the second ‘Supermoon’ of 2023, and the first in August, as the ‘Astronomical Photo of the Day’ for Wednesday, August 30.

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A ‘supermoon’ occurs when the natural satellite is in its full or new phase at the closest point to Earth. The photo, taken on August 1 in Sicily, Italy, by Gianni Tumino, shows the Moon appearing larger and brighter than usual, acquiring reddish tones due to the scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere.

Blue Moon

The third ‘Supermoon’ of 2023, and the second in August, also known as a ‘Blue Moon,’ will occur on the night of Wednesday, August 30. This ‘Blue Supermoon’ earned its designation because it’s the second Full Moon in a single month, a rare event that occurs only once every 2 or 3 years.

NASA Highlights Stunning Image of ‘Supermoon’ (Gianni Tumino // NASA – APOD)

Source: NASA (Astronomical Photo of the Day)

This post was last modified on 2023-08-30 19:48
