NASA: Hubble Captures Stunning Star Cluster

NASA: Hubble captura impressionante aglomerado de estrelas
NASA: Hubble Captures Stunning Star Cluster (ESA/Hubble & NASA, A. Sarajedini, G. Piotto)

The Hubble Space Telescope from NASA has captured a globular star cluster located within our Milky Way galaxy, approximately 30 million light-years away from Earth, in the constellation of Sagittarius.

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In the image, we can see the globular cluster NGC 6652, which contains millions of stars and stands out with its pale blue core glow.

Hubble managed to capture the image of NGC 6652 using two of its powerful cameras: the ‘Advanced Camera for Surveys‘ and the ‘Wide Field Camera 3‘.

What Are Globular Star Clusters?

Globular star clusters are a type of star cluster with an apparent spherical shape and a dense, star-rich core. The strong gravitational attraction among closely spaced stars in globular clusters is what gives these star-studded objects their regular and spherical form.

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