A video of a reckless tourist went viral on social media after she tried to see inside the active volcano Monte Dukono in Indonesia, leaving internet users outraged by her irresponsible behavior.
A tourist was criticized on social media after appearing in a viral video trying to see inside the active volcano Monte Dukono in Indonesia. The reckless action caused outrage among internet users.
The footage shows a tourist climbing Monte Dukono, which has been in continuous eruption since 1933. She even reaches the edge of the crater, which is emitting ash and smoke, ignoring the risks.
The video has accumulated over 921,000 views on X since December 28. In August 2024, a group of climbers was filmed running after a volcanic eruption.
“The public is advised not to climb or visit Monte Dukono, as volcanic activity is still high,” said Priatin Hadi Wijaya, head of the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center.
“That edge could collapse with the slightest effort. Look how her handholds are breaking. What recklessness,” warned one user.
“This is crazy! I love adrenaline, but I would never do this. I prefer to keep breathing,” said another.
“If the wind had changed a little, the direction of the pyroclastic flow could have killed her instantly. It’s time for Indonesia to ban visits to highly active volcanoes like Dukono and Merapi,” suggested a third.
Remember the video that I posted back in August? Seems people don’t learn…pic.twitter.com/Trwudpo2ld https://t.co/hpfeM9Jenz
— Volcaholic 🌋 (@volcaholic1) December 28, 2024
Photos and video: X @volcaholic1. This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.