Sony Surprises with PlayStation 5 Sales

Sony se surpreende com vendas do PlayStation 5
Sony Surprises with PlayStation 5 Sales (Pexels)

According to a report from Sony, regarding the profits of the second quarter of 2023, the company experienced a significant drop in operational profit but achieved an increase in revenue, primarily due to sales in its gaming and network sectors, as well as music, image, and financial services.

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In the Sony report, the company’s operational profit fell from $2.54 billion to $1.76 billion, while revenue unexpectedly increased by 33%.

According to Engadget, Sony projects that its gaming and music sectors will continue to evolve positively. As a result, it has raised its sales and revenue forecast for the fiscal year by 6.1%. Sony also anticipates and hopes for a 2.4% increase in net profit.

The Japanese company is particularly optimistic about its gaming sector, as not only are many highly anticipated games of the year being released for the PlayStation 5, but the console itself is also performing very well in terms of sales.

Recently, Sony celebrated surpassing the milestone of selling over 40 million PlayStation 5 units worldwide. The company also reduced the console’s price in several countries, which could further boost purchases.

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