artificial intelligence

R1, Rabbit’s Pocket AI Assistant, Sells Out for the Second Time in Just 48 Hours

The R1, Rabbit's artificial intelligence device presented at CES 2024, exceeded the company's expectations and…

Designer Uses AI to Bring Simpsons Characters to Life

A creative author used artificial intelligence (AI) to reinterpret the iconic characters from the successful…

CES 2024: Meet the Rabbit R1, Pocket AI Assistant That Sold Out in 1 Day

During CES 2024, one of the largest and most influential electronics fairs in the world,…

OpenAI Launches Official Store with Custom Versions of ChatGPT

OpenAI officially launched the GPT Store on Wednesday (10), an online store for ChatGPT where…

CES 2024: Samsung Announces AI Refrigerator that ‘Notifies’ about Its Contents

Artificial intelligence is becoming an integral part of our lives every day, and if it's…

CES 2024: Samsung oznámila vylepšenou verzi inteligentního robota Ballie

Samsung právě oznámil vylepšenou verzi svého domácího robotu s umělou inteligencí, Ballie, během veletrhu CES…

CES 2024: Samsung tillkännager förbättrad version av smarta roboten Ballie

Samsung har just tillkännagett en förbättrad version av sin artificiell intelligens-drivna hushållsrobot, Ballie, under CES…