The video with the hilarious reactions of the dog to “meeting” the baby in its owner’s belly went viral and entertained the internet.
He jumped into the mud to save his dog and ended up getting stuck too; the rescue went viral on social media
The owner went to save his dog, who got stuck in the mud of a drained lake, and ended up needing rescue himself.
Read MoreDog Trainer Criticized Online After Dog Dies During Live Stream
A dog trainer from China is facing heavy criticism after a dog died during his live stream on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.
Read MoreJapanese man who went viral for living as a dog opens his own zoo
The “Zoológico Tocotoco” app is the latest innovation from the famous YouTuber known as Toco, who gained worldwide attention in 2023 when he revealed his incredible ultra-realistic dog costume, which cost about $14,000. Now, he is offering fans a unique opportunity to live the same dream.
Read MoreCane a Sei Zampe, Abbandonato Fuori dal Supermercato, si Fa Rimuovere gli Arti Supplementari
Ariel, un adorabile cucciolo di cocker spaniel di 11 settimane con sei zampe, trovato abbandonato fuori da un supermercato in Pembrokeshire, ha appena subito con successo un intervento chirurgico per rimuovere i suoi arti extra.
Read MoreKuusijalkainen Koira, Hylätty Supermarketin Ulkopuolella, on Menettänyt Ylimääräiset Raajansa
Ariel. Instagram @greenacres08 Ariel, 11-viikkoinen suloinen cocker spaniel kuudella jalalla, joka löydettiin hylättynä supermarketin ulkopuolelta Pembrokeshiressä, on juuri onnistuneesti käynyt läpi leikkauksen ylimääräisten raajojensa poistamiseksi. + Video: Tech…
Read MoreZespotige Hond, Achtergelaten bij Supermarkt, Ondergaat Verwijdering van Extra Ledematen
Ariel, een schattige cocker spaniel pup van 11 weken met zes poten, die buiten een supermarkt in Pembrokeshire werd gevonden, heeft net met succes een operatie ondergaan om haar extra ledematen te verwijderen.
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