Elon Musk’s age

Elon Musk admite que está com medo de ser assassinado: "Pessoas más fazem coisas ruins"

Elon Musk admits he’s afraid of being murdered: “Bad people do bad things”

After taking a public office in the U.S. government, Elon Musk admitted he's afraid of…

Elon Musk quebra silêncio sobre nascimento de seu 13° filho após caso com autora famosa

Elon Musk breaks silence about the birth of his 13th child after affair with famous author

Elon Musk broke his silence about the birth of his 13th child, the result of…

Mãe de Elon Musk afirma que é "degradante" chamar seu filho de "bilionário"

Elon Musk’s mother says it’s “degrading” to call her son a “billionaire”

Maye Musk, Elon Musk's mother, said she doesn't like it when people call her son…