Threads releases keyword search in all languages

Threads releases keyword search in all languages
Threads releases keyword search in all languages (Unsplash)

Threads has announced that its keyword search for posts is now available in all languages and countries!

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The new feature, previously only available in English and Spanish, has been highly requested and anticipated by users, allowing for easier discovery of posts through search, which previously only worked to find profiles on Threads.

The keyword search was announced by the director, Adam Mosseri, and on the profile of the new social network from Meta.

“Today, we are expanding keyword search everywhere Threads is available. This feature is compatible with all languages – we hope this makes it easier to find and join conversations you’re interested in. More improvements will be available in search soon, let me know in the replies if you have feedback,” said Mosseri.

Threads was launched on July 5, 2023, for iPhone and Android, and quickly gained millions of users. However, the initial enthusiasm began to wane, and now, Meta is striving to ensure all necessary and requested updates to win back the audience.

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